Minecraft Snapshot 21w11a
Minecraft 快照 21w11a
A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版快照
An absolutely shocking snapshot arrives! This snapshot adds some new functionality to Copper, some general tweaks, a fancy new way of getting performance metrics, and a bunch of bugfixes.
Happy mining!
New Features in 21w11a
Lightning rods can now, for the very first time ever, be waterlogged
New functionality for applying and removing wax from Copper
Bonemealing rooted dirt now grows hanging roots underneath
Waxing Copper and Oxidization
Right-click with Honeycomb on Copper Blocks to wax them
Use honeycomb in a dispenser to wax Copper Blocks
Axes can scrape off wax and oxidation of Copper Blocks
Lightning strike hitting Copper will clean its oxidation
Changes in 21w11a
Waxed Copper Blocks can be crafted into 4 Copper Ingots
Tweaked the cave sizes
Slightly increased the frequency of Diamond Ore blobs
Hanging roots block now renders randomly offset
Breaking a Big Dripleaf stem now drops a Big Dripleaf Block
Moss Blocks can be crafted with cobblestone or stone bricks to make the mossy versions of those blocks
The facing direction of Small Dripleaf Blocks is now determined by which direction the player is facing when placing it
Fully-grown Amethyst Clusters now drop 4 Amethyst Shards (or more with Fortune) when mined with a pickaxe, and drop 2 Amethyst Shards when broken by hand, piston, or other means
Technical Changes in 21w11a
Added F3+L shortcut to generate and persist performance metrics from in-game
In-game client metrics reporting
Pressing F3+L while in the game will start a recording for 10 seconds capturing metrics such as tick durations, used heap sizes, and other more detailed stats. These will be saved to a zip file in debug/profiling/.zip and could be used for performance regression analysis if included in bug reports.
The exact metrics, output format, and names are susceptible to change between versions, and our plan is to continue iterating on which metrics to capture.
Fixed bugs in 21w11a
SPX 大数据区块链深度学习人工智能响应式自动翻译™ 由以下志愿者提供支持:Dianliang233、ETStareak、Light Beacon、Lxazl5770、Ricolove、SPGoding、WuGuangYao、ff98sha、lakejason0、xuan_su、zyjking
MC-1483 - Snow covered grass/podzol/mycelium block side texture does not match original block
MC-1483 - 被雪覆盖的草方块/灰化土/菌丝的材质与原始材质不匹配
MC-12363 - Lava / water / powder snow bucket desync when using it while rapidly turning
MC-12363 - 使用桶时快速转身会导致服务端和客户端失去同步
MC-70850 - False negatives during occlusion culling
MC-70850 - 遮挡剔除误判应该可见的区块
MC-71530 - Spectators can’t see through lava
MC-71530 - 旁观模式下无法看透熔岩
MC-145501 - Librarian and zombie librarian torso top texture is incorrect
MC-145501 - 图书管理员和僵尸图书管理员的躯干顶部材质不正确
MC-150054 - Spectral arrow texture on item and entity aren’t consistent
MC-150054 - 光灵箭的物品栏材质与实体材质不一致
MC-150784 - Brewing Stand bottle outline incorrect
MC-150784 - 酿造台中的玻璃瓶外沿与普通玻璃瓶不一致
MC-154006 - Overworld wood signs use the outdated wood texture on all sides
MC-154006 - 主世界中木告示牌所有面的材质用的是旧版本材质
MC-160195 - Jungle door inventory texture is outdated
MC-160195 - 在物品栏中的丛林木门材质用的是旧版本材质
MC-160388 - Painting back texture has not been updated with the texture update
MC-160388 - 画背面的材质没有随材质更新一同更新
MC-195806 - Smoker’s top and bottom textures have inconsistently colored pixels
MC-195806 - 烟熏炉顶部与底部材质的一个像素颜色不一致
MC-197561 - Carved pumpkins and jack o’lanterns create swastikas
MC-197561 - 将雕刻的南瓜或南瓜灯以2x2摆放会使中间出现卐字
MC-197883 - Jigsaw Structures causing DataFixer spam
MC-197883 - 拼图方块在日志里大量输出数据修正警示
MC-198805 - Floating pixel in the tailfin of a guardian/elder guardian
MC-198805 - (远古)守卫者的鳍部会出现浮动的像素
MC-202760 - Area effect cloud does not enforce a maximum radius
MC-202760 - 药水云没有强制限制最大半径
MC-203554 - block.amethyst_block.chime has no subtitle
MC-203554 - block.amethyst_block.chime没有字幕
MC-203561 - Amethyst crystal cluster drops items when block is moved directly by a piston without actually breaking the block
MC-203561 - 紫水晶簇在被活塞移动时,即使没有破坏方块,也会掉落物品
MC-203623 - Inconsistency: Breaking amethyst crystals with hands doesn’t drop the item, but breaking the block they are placed on drops them
MC-203623 - 游戏特性不一致:用手破坏紫水晶不会掉落物品,但是破坏放置下的紫水晶方块却会掉落
MC-203676 - Tinted Glass suffocates entities inside of it
MC-203676 - 遮光玻璃能让其中的生物窒息
MC-203753 - Spyglass use statistic never increases
MC-203753 - 望远镜的使用统计数据永不增长
MC-203918 - Mobs can spawn on tinted glass
MC-203918 - 遮光玻璃上可以生成生物
MC-204016 - When filling a lava cauldron with lava, the lava is placed on the ground, not in the cauldron. This also affects powder snow.
MC-204016 - 往装有细雪/熔岩的炼药锅放置细雪/熔岩时,会放置到炼药锅的外部,而非填充内部
MC-204862 - Tinted glass is not included in the impermeable tag
MC-204862 - 遮光玻璃没有包含在 impermeable 标签中
MC-205913 - Lightning rod can spawn skeleton horses with skeletons
MC-205913 - 避雷针会直接生成骷髅骑士而非骷髅陷阱马
MC-206787 - World Border is rendered upside down
MC-206787 - 世界边界渲染颠倒
MC-207557 - Frozen hearts in hardcore mode look identical to frozen hearts in survival mode
MC-207557 - 极限模式的冰冻生命值效果看起来和生存模式中相同
MC-211513 - Trident returning to owner not in the same world can cause permanent player kick
MC-211513 - 当三叉戟返回主人时,主人不在同一个维度,会导致主人被永久地踢出服务器
MC-212123 - Player lighting is inconsistent in the inventory and appears darker on the front
MC-212123 - 物品栏中玩家光照存在漏洞并且玩家正面显示较暗
MC-212226 - Bone Meal can still be used on a Glow Lichen when it is unable to grow
MC-212226 - 可以对无法继续生长的发光地衣使用骨粉
MC-212410 - Cannot compost glow lichen
MC-212410 - 无法将发光地衣作为堆肥原料
MC-213743 - Spectators can’t see through powder snow
MC-213743 - 旁观模式下无法看透细雪
MC-213764 - Removing the block supporting a spore blossom allows the spore blossom to float
MC-213764 - 移除支撑方块不会让孢子花掉落
MC-213765 - Cave vine blocks are inconsistent in ID from other similar blocks
MC-213765 - 洞穴藤蔓相关方块的 ID 与其他类似方块的 ID 不一致
MC-213768 - Removing the support block for hanging roots allows it to float
MC-213768 - 移除支撑方块不会使垂根掉落
MC-213778 - Cave vines cannot be climbed
MC-213778 - 无法攀爬洞穴藤蔓
MC-213782 - Cave vines do not slow you down like other vines
MC-213782 - 洞穴藤蔓不会像其他藤蔓那样减缓速度
MC-213798 - Cave vines head and body emit different light levels
MC-213798 - 洞穴藤蔓的尖端与躯干发出的光照等级不同
MC-213886 - Bone meal cannot be used on dripleaf stems
MC-213886 - 骨粉不能作用于垂滴叶茎
MC-213911 - Cave vines body and cave vines head share the same name
MC-213911 - 洞穴藤蔓躯干与洞穴藤蔓尖端的显示名称一样
MC-213980 - Moss appropriate tool is axe rather than hoe
MC-213980 - 采集苔藓的最佳工具变成了斧而非锄
MC-214568 - Setting a lectern on fire causes z-fighting
MC-214568 - 着火的讲台会引起深度冲突
MC-215036 - Snow layers in “Snowy Kingdom” superflat preset generate 64 blocks above the ground
MC-215036 - 在超平坦预设“雪之王国”下的雪层会悬空生成于高出地表64格的位置
MC-215384 - Azaleas cannot be used as a fuel
MC-215384 - 杜鹃花无法用作燃料
MC-216134 - Gilded blackstone texture does not match the new side texture of blackstone
MC-216134 - 镶金黑石的侧边材质与更新过的黑石侧边材质不一致
MC-216184 - Player takes no fall damage on blocks above y=316
MC-216184 - 在 y=316 以上,玩家不会受到掉落伤害
MC-216227 - Sugar cane item texture is no longer accurate from 13w36a forward
MC-216227 - 自13w36a开始,物品栏的甘蔗材质和放置后的材质颜色不再匹配
MC-216737 - When replacing tuff, ores still generate with a “stone” background below y=0
MC-216737 - 对于高度y=0之下,在凝灰岩处生成的矿石依然是普通石头类的矿石
MC-216945 - Teams become dysfunctional when any entity leaves the team
MC-216945 - 当实体离开队伍时,该队伍失去部分功能
MC-216965 - Flat “slices” of terrain generating in cracks
MC-216965 - 地形中会无端产生水平裂隙
MC-217303 - Potential optimization target in DepthBasedReplacingBaseStoneSource
MC-217303 - DepthBasedReplacingBaseStoneSource 中有可优化的代码
MC-217546 - stat.fallOneCm is not updated when falling onto a block above y=316
MC-217546 - 在掉落到 y=316 以上的方块时,stat.fallOneCm(掉落距离统计)不会更新
MC-217802 - Some blocks generate at wrong Y height in a superflat world
MC-217802 - 在超平坦世界中,部分方块生成于不正常的Y轴高度
MC-218587 - Lightning rod still can’t be waterlogged
MC-218587 - 避雷针仍然不能被充水
MC-218594 - Debug chunk borders don’t render properly
MC-218594 - 调式区块的边界不会被正确渲染
MC-218596 - Debug pie is blacked out
MC-218596 - 调试盘会变成全黑状态
MC-218597 - Water has no fog anymore
MC-218597 - 水下的雾状效果消失了
MC-218603 - Screen turns dark grey when switching dimension
MC-218603 - 进出维度时加载界面会变成灰黑色
MC-218604 - Hanging roots can generate hanging on other hanging roots, making them float
MC-218604 - 垂根生成时可能会垂在其他垂根上,导致其悬空
MC-218609 - Mipmapping causes some block faces to become too dark
MC-218609 - mip映射导致方块的某些面过于黑暗
MC-218610 - Banners are unimpacted by light levels
MC-218610 - 旗帜不受光照等级影响
MC-218626 - Cannot enchant items
MC-218626 - 无法附魔
MC-218635 - With fast graphics, the freezing overlay renders black, and covers the whole screen black in first person
MC-218635 - 在图像品质为流畅的情况下,冻结状态会在第一人称视角下被渲染为全黑,且覆盖整个界面
MC-218640 - Broken spyglass overlay on fast graphics
MC-218640 - 图像品质设置为流畅时望远镜的遮罩效果会显示为黑色
MC-218641 - Red vignette shown when outside the world border is too intense
MC-218641 - 玩家处于世界边界外时显示的红色边框效果过于强烈
MC-218645 - The carved pumpkin overlay turns the screen completely black when using fast graphics
MC-218645 - 在流畅画面效果下,穿戴雕刻过的南瓜并不会正常渲染视觉效果,而是会导致屏幕全黑
MC-218652 - The green nausea overlay no longer renders
MC-218652 - 反胃效果下的绿色视觉表层效果不能渲染
MC-218653 - Glowing effect no longer changes to team color
MC-218653 - 发光效果不再根据队伍改变颜色
MC-218655 - Floating water generates excessively in lush caves
MC-218655 - 繁茂洞穴中有大量悬空的水
MC-218660 - The nether portal overlay no longer renders, whilst using fast graphics
MC-218660 - 在流畅品质下,下界传送门表层不会被渲染
MC-218695 - Shulkers do not flash red when hurt or killed
MC-218695 - 潜影贝受伤或死亡时不会闪红
MC-218712 - Debug pie has purple box when moving an enchanted item
MC-218712 - 在移动被附魔的物品时调试图饼上会显示紫色方框背景
MC-218713 - Right clicking to open alternate recipes does not show the recipes
MC-218713 - 不能右键展开配方组
MC-218729 - Noise cave entrances cause unnatural, smooth edges in terrain
MC-218729 - 由于噪声洞穴生成,地形中产生不自然的光滑地块
MC-218734 - Caves generate with very blocky areas
MC-218734 - 洞穴过于方正地生成
MC-218748 - At sunset, a blue line appears in the northern and southern skies
MC-218748 - 南北方向的天空在日落时出现异常的颜色分界
MC-218753 - Ambient occlusion of the player seen in the survival inventory has changed
MC-218753 - 生存模式物品栏中,玩家的环境光遮蔽发生了改变
MC-218765 - Glowing effect no longer renders around translucent pixels
MC-218765 - 发光状态效果不再围绕透明像素渲染
MC-218793 - Two white lines appear on the Mojang loading screen
MC-218793 - Mojang 加载界面中有两条白线
MC-218817 - Cave Vines can generate without supporting blocks
MC-218817 - 洞穴藤蔓可以在没有支撑方块的情况下生成
MC-218825 - M1 ARM Macs crash when using Fabulous Graphics mode as was the case in older versions, but no lack of support warning is shown
MC-218825 - M1芯片的Mac会在品质设置为极佳的情况下和旧版本一样崩溃,但不会显示缺少支持的警告信息
MC-218830 - World border is white
MC-218830 - 世界边界显示为白色
MC-218834 - You can see block hitboxes very clearly whilst in powder snow/lava
MC-218834 - 在细雪/熔岩下可以清楚地看到方块的碰撞箱
MC-218845 - Mojang logo screen flashes blue before changing to red
MC-218845 - Mojang 标志界面在变红之前会闪烁蓝色
MC-218852 - World border is occasionally shown as a solid color upon being loaded
MC-218852 - 世界边界在加载时可能会被显示为纯色
MC-218877 - The red flash when a mob is hurt/killed appears to be slightly dimmed
MC-218877 - 生物受伤/死亡时显示的红色效果比之前略微暗了一些
MC-218881 - When selecting text in the end, the sky gets highlighted
MC-218881 - 在末地中选中文字时,天空会被高亮为蓝色
MC-218911 - The background of hover-event text becomes blue when text is selected in an anvil or chat
MC-218911 - 在铁砧或聊天窗口选中文字后,悬浮文字的背景会变成蓝色
MC-218945 - Spyglass has a gradient effect while freezing
MC-218945 - 当被冰冻时使用望远镜屏幕上会显示红绿渐变色图
MC-218979 - Cave ceilings and floors sometimes too flat or blocky
MC-218979 - 洞穴顶部与底部过于平坦方正
MC-218988 - Fire is rendered dark in the player/horse/llama UI
MC-218988 - 在玩家/马/羊驼界面的火焰渲染得过于黑暗
MC-218990 - Transparency buffers start with blue background instead of empty background
MC-218990 - transparency 着色器使用的缓冲带有蓝色的背景
MC-219002 - The wither’s wither armor has a blue aura around it
MC-219002 - 凋灵二形态下的“凋灵护甲”上有不正常的蓝色光效
MC-219006 - The background opacity of subtitles and chat, are affected by a potion effect UI fading out
MC-219006 - 药水效果造成的界面褪色会影响到字幕和聊天框的背景颜色
MC-219014 - Charged creeper layer makes clouds and entities invisible
MC-219014 - 闪电苦力怕的外层会让其后的云和实体不可见
MC-219036 - World border is shown as a solid color when picking up items or experience orbs
MC-219036 - 当玩家拾取物品或经验球时,世界边界会短暂变成纯色
MC-219039 - World border does not render when below the world
MC-219039 - 世界边界不在世界下方渲染
MC-219049 - Reloading resource packs no longer shows the progress bar while the transparent background is shown
MC-219049 - 重载资源包不会出现进度条,而是一个透明背景
MC-219105 - Entity hitboxes can be seen whilst inside of powder snow/lava
MC-219105 - 在细雪/熔岩内可以看到实体碰撞箱
MC-219108 - Chat scroll bar is offset
MC-219108 - 聊天滚动条往右偏移了一点
MC-219111 - Social interactions scroll bar appears broken
MC-219111 - 社交菜单的滚动条显示错误
MC-219126 - Xray with spyglass
MC-219126 - 使用望远镜可以透视
MC-219155 - Cast fishing line is disconnected from the rod
MC-219155 - 钓竿投下的鱼线距离钓竿比以前远
MC-219180 - Slime blocks, honey blocks, stained glass, and ice are fully lit when moved by pistons
MC-219180 - 在被活塞移动时,粘液块、蜂蜜块、染色玻璃和冰的亮度会变到最大
MC-219208 - Xray using enchanted items
MC-219208 - 使用附魔物品可以透视
MC-219212 - Entity shadows can be seen whilst inside of powder snow/lava
MC-219212 - 在细雪/熔岩内可以看到实体阴影
MC-219224 - The background opacity of command syntax help is affected when highlighting text
MC-219224 - 命令语法帮助的透明度在高亮命令文本时受到影响
MC-219278 - Being inside of a block no longer shows the block texture
MC-219278 - 玩家在方块内部时不会显示方块材质
MC-219281 - Dying ender dragon is rendered too bright
MC-219281 - 末影龙死亡时渲染的亮度过高
MC-219392 - Lead/fishing line is no longer affected by the fog from powder snow/lava
MC-219392 - 细雪/熔岩的雾状效果不会影响拴绳/钓鱼线
MC-219597 - End portal and end gateway textures expand as the player travels further from the block
MC-219597 - 当玩家远离末地传送门和末地折跃门时,它们的材质会扩大