2023-06-15 03:34:13
出场:Giga fortress ready.【纳米状态核心】 (超级要塞准备完毕)
Ready for assignment.【海面展开状态】 (准备分配任务)
选择:Giga fortress responding. (超级要塞回话)
Where do you need me? (哪边需要我?)
I am listening. (等待命令)
I am awaken. (我醒了。)
What is your objective? (我的目标是哪?)
Giga fortress alive and ready. (超级要塞已经激活并准备完毕)
Awaiting command. (等待命令)
Command authorized. (授权命令)
Approaching destination. (向目的地前进)
Of course. (当然了)
Moving. (移动中)
My thought exactly. (。。。我考虑的很精确)
Caculating route. (计算行程路线)
Heading set. (设置方向)
Starting travel sequence. (开始动力程序)
Processing requested. (请求处理)
Nice day,isnt it? (天不错,是吧)
Where is my body? (我的身体哪去了)PS:汗。。太搞笑了吧,装在将军侩子手身上正好。
This is a nice view. (风景真不错)
I agree. (同意)
Updating ... (更新什么什么)
Proceeding as directed. (按照指引前进)
Moving as ordered. (根据命令移动)
攻击: Enabling fire sequence. (打开攻击程序)
All weapons on. (打开所有武器)
Engaging now. (开打!)
Eliminating. (消灭)
Removing emeny present. (消灭敌人)
Anticipating casualty. (期待伤亡,预测伤亡。。。。)
出场: No one stands on my way. (挡我者死)
选择: What do you wait. (你在等什么)PS:性子很急么
They wont touch me. (他们碰不到我一根汗毛)
I am here. (老子在这)
Steel ronin. (钢铁浪人)
Bring them to me. (把他们带到我面前来)PS:你以为你是天启啊,自己跑过去吧
Waiting for the slat. (等待致命的一击)
My blade hungers. (我想砍人)PS:War3 恶魔猎手:My blade thirsty
移动: Is that it? (是它吗)
What?No body to kill? (什么?没人可杀?)PS:杀人成性
Of course.
I am going.
Ill be ready.
I dont mind. (我不介意)
Would it be very long? (会很远吗)PS:别人都用轮子滚的,钢铁浪人是用脚跑的。哦,他大哥鬼王也是,不过鬼王没抱怨
I s... my strength.
攻击: Now you die. (你死定了)
Slash them. (砍死他们)
More fools. (白痴越来越多了)
One by one. (一个接一个的砍)
This one dies. (这个死定了)
Bury them. (埋葬他们)
出场: My bow is yours. (我的弓为您服务)
选择: Archer,ready for battle. (弓箭手,准备战斗)
We must not terror. (我们不能害怕)
I stand ready. (准备完毕)PS:War3暗夜弓箭手出场也是这句话
What is your require? (您想要干嘛)
We will defend the way. PS:way是指武士道吗,不明白,很多日本兵种的台词中都有这词
Untra ...
移动: I understand. (明白)
On the move.
Archer path.
I go.
Forword. (前进)
With caution. (小心谨慎)
攻击:That one,yes. (那个,好的)
On target. (瞄准目标)
Hes marked. (他被瞄上了)
Attack. (攻击)
Remove them. (移除他们)
出场:We have to crush. (我们得碾磨)
选择: Who wants to play. (谁想来玩玩?)
I want to play. (我想来玩玩)PS:自娱自乐
No like waiting. (不喜欢等待)
What should I do? (我该做点什么)
Glander speaking. (粉碎者)
Glanders ready. (粉碎者准备完毕)
移动: Here I go. (走咯)
Whats over here. (那边有什么)
ひひひひ ,OK. (猥琐的笑声)
All right. (好的)
Run! (跑)
攻击: He looks fine. (他看起来不错)
Here I come! (我来了!)
Make a crush. (来磨碎吧!)
I can see you. (我能看见你哟)PS:标准怪叔叔,追着别人跑,追上了就粘着不放。-_-凸
出场: Reapers all checked out. (收割者准备完毕)
选择: It may need a litter oil. (它可能要再加点油)
Yes,Yes,Im here. (是,是,我在这)
Stabilize looking dight. (要调整下稳定性)
Its running prety good. (它跑起来相当不错)
Lets see if this thing works. (让我们看看这玩意能不能跑起来)
Id like to take my tools handy,just in case. (我还是带着我的工具箱吧,以防万一)
Lets take them for a run. (让我们来跑动这机器)
移动: All right,lets go. (好的,走)
Not bad. (不错)
Moving ahead. (前进)
All right,yes. (行)
How its sounding? (这看起来怎么样)
Well get there. (我们会到那的)
攻击: Here we go. (我们来了)
Weapons. (武器攻击)
Thats another. (又一个)
Right there. (那边)
出场: Need a little hit and run? (要来点游击战吗)
选择: Its your call.
Im right here. (我在这)
Motocycle looking good. (摩托看上去不错)
Lets get rolling. (出发吧)
What do you need? (你要干嘛)
En,how is going? (恩,怎么样了)
移动: Lets go.
Ill check it out. (去看看)
You got it.
I dont mind.
No problem.
攻击: They want some,too? (你也想来一点?)PS:燃烧瓶
Meet my friend,moto.
That one?You got it. (那个?接着)
Its sending a little help. (这个会带来一点帮助的)PS:迫击炮
Theyll be gone. (他们会跑的)
出场: Desolation hour. (毁灭时刻)
选择: Desolater. (化学步兵)
Share~ the suffering. (共享痛苦吧)
What are you looking at? (你在看嘛玩意)
移动: All right.
Im going.
Nothing will grow there. (那边将万物不生)
I know. (吾晓得)
Ill make clear. (我会清理干净的)
攻击: Maybe a little nesy..
You want one,too? (你也想来点吗)
Here,catch. (接着)
Desolation for all. (毁灭所有)
Enjoy. (享受吧)
Take your medicine. (该吃药了)PS:变态医生
The first one is free (第一次是免费的)
出场:Our preparation are completed. (我们准备好了)
选择:We will settle this. (我们会处理好这个的)
We must be proved. (我们必须得证明)
Under control. (控制中)
Well put them to rest. (我们会灭了他们的)
Nothing to worried. (没什么可担心的)
Well put end of this. (我们会结束这一切的)
Well comply. (遵命)
Pacifier. (平定着)
移动:Understood. (明白)
Comply. (遵命)
We position. (收到位置)
To the next. (到下一处)
As plan. (按计划行事)
Proceed. (前进)
We move. (移动)
Well find them. (会找到他们的)
Now. (今は!)
Theyre right there. (他们就在那)
Suffer their will. (破灭他们的希望)
Eliminate them. (销毁他们)
Lets make ourselt clear. (让我们清净些)
Pacify them. (平定他们)
Again. (再一次)
They had their chance. (他们有机会的)PS:是指逃跑吗
Put them down. (放到他们)
Attack. (攻击)
Erase them. (消除他们)
出场: Future Tank operation now. (未来坦克准备完毕)
选择: Hello.
Weapons on. (武器上膛)
Future Tank X1. (未来坦克X1)
I am ready. (准备完毕)
Greetings. (问候语)
Systems on line. (系统已连接)
Ready for battle. (准备战斗)
移动:Comply. (遵命)
Moving. (移动)
Affmitive. (收到)
Destination set. (目的地已设置)
Receving. (收到)
攻击: Attack. (攻击)
Terminate. (终结)
Receving. (收到)
Destory. (毁灭)
Kill. (杀)
出场:Gunships all checked out. (炮艇舰准备完毕)
选择:Wants get the bad news? (想带来点坏消息吗)
You are already back there.
Get something info for me? (给我带来点消息了吗)
Yeah,right here.
Whats there,commandor? (怎么了,指挥官)
移动:Yeah,anywhere is good. (哪边都可以)
Yeah,were head over.
Wherever you like. (你想去哪都行)
Lets go.
攻击:Sweap the trash. (扫平那些废物)
Take the slider. (尝尝小型质子炮吧)
Were looking here.
出场:Welcome to the Ice Age. (欢迎来到冰河时代)
选择:Its snow time. (现在是冰冻时间)
Whos ready for a cold run? (谁准备好了接受了寒流?)
Lets kick some ice.
Feeling chilly in the air?
... anyone.
... like the winter time.
移动:The iceman comming. (雪人来了)
I am cold and blizzard.
I hear you.
All right.
No problem.
Oh ,yes.
Crystal clean. (晶莹剔透)
The waters getting chilly.
攻击:This will crack him up.(技能)
Allow me to break the ice. (破冰咯)PS:踩碎冻成冰块的敌军
出场:Giga fortress ready.【纳米状态核心】 (超级要塞准备完毕)
Ready for assignment.【海面展开状态】 (准备分配任务)
选择:Giga fortress responding. (超级要塞回话)
Where do you need me? (哪边需要我?)
I am listening. (等待命令)
I am awaken. (我醒了。)
What is your objective? (我的目标是哪?)
Giga fortress alive and ready. (超级要塞已经激活并准备完毕)
Awaiting command. (等待命令)
Command authorized. (授权命令)
Approaching destination. (向目的地前进)
Of course. (当然了)
Moving. (移动中)
My thought exactly. (。。。我考虑的很精确)
Caculating route. (计算行程路线)
Heading set. (设置方向)
Starting travel sequence. (开始动力程序)
Processing requested. (请求处理)
Nice day,isnt it? (天不错,是吧)
Where is my body? (我的身体哪去了)PS:汗。。太搞笑了吧,装在将军侩子手身上正好。
This is a nice view. (风景真不错)
I agree. (同意)
Updating ... (更新什么什么)
Proceeding as directed. (按照指引前进)
Moving as ordered. (根据命令移动)
攻击: Enabling fire sequence. (打开攻击程序)
All weapons on. (打开所有武器)
Engaging now. (开打!)
Eliminating. (消灭)
Removing emeny present. (消灭敌人)
Anticipating casualty. (期待伤亡,预测伤亡。。。。)
出场: No one stands on my way. (挡我者死)
选择: What do you wait. (你在等什么)PS:性子很急么
They wont touch me. (他们碰不到我一根汗毛)
I am here. (老子在这)
Steel ronin. (钢铁浪人)
Bring them to me. (把他们带到我面前来)PS:你以为你是天启啊,自己跑过去吧
Waiting for the slat. (等待致命的一击)
My blade hungers. (我想砍人)PS:War3 恶魔猎手:My blade thirsty
移动: Is that it? (是它吗)
What?No body to kill? (什么?没人可杀?)PS:杀人成性
Of course.
I am going.
Ill be ready.
I dont mind. (我不介意)
Would it be very long? (会很远吗)PS:别人都用轮子滚的,钢铁浪人是用脚跑的。哦,他大哥鬼王也是,不过鬼王没抱怨
I s... my strength.
攻击: Now you die. (你死定了)
Slash them. (砍死他们)
More fools. (白痴越来越多了)
One by one. (一个接一个的砍)
This one dies. (这个死定了)
Bury them. (埋葬他们)
出场: My bow is yours. (我的弓为您服务)
选择: Archer,ready for battle. (弓箭手,准备战斗)
We must not terror. (我们不能害怕)
I stand ready. (准备完毕)PS:War3暗夜弓箭手出场也是这句话
What is your require? (您想要干嘛)
We will defend the way. PS:way是指武士道吗,不明白,很多日本兵种的台词中都有这词
Untra ...
移动: I understand. (明白)
On the move.
Archer path.
I go.
Forword. (前进)
With caution. (小心谨慎)
攻击:That one,yes. (那个,好的)
On target. (瞄准目标)
Hes marked. (他被瞄上了)
Attack. (攻击)
Remove them. (移除他们)
出场:We have to crush. (我们得碾磨)
选择: Who wants to play. (谁想来玩玩?)
I want to play. (我想来玩玩)PS:自娱自乐
No like waiting. (不喜欢等待)
What should I do? (我该做点什么)
Glander speaking. (粉碎者)
Glanders ready. (粉碎者准备完毕)
移动: Here I go. (走咯)
Whats over here. (那边有什么)
ひひひひ ,OK. (猥琐的笑声)
All right. (好的)
Run! (跑)
攻击: He looks fine. (他看起来不错)
Here I come! (我来了!)
Make a crush. (来磨碎吧!)
I can see you. (我能看见你哟)PS:标准怪叔叔,追着别人跑,追上了就粘着不放。-_-凸
出场: Reapers all checked out. (收割者准备完毕)
选择: It may need a litter oil. (它可能要再加点油)
Yes,Yes,Im here. (是,是,我在这)
Stabilize looking dight. (要调整下稳定性)
Its running prety good. (它跑起来相当不错)
Lets see if this thing works. (让我们看看这玩意能不能跑起来)
Id like to take my tools handy,just in case. (我还是带着我的工具箱吧,以防万一)
Lets take them for a run. (让我们来跑动这机器)
移动: All right,lets go. (好的,走)
Not bad. (不错)
Moving ahead. (前进)
All right,yes. (行)
How its sounding? (这看起来怎么样)
Well get there. (我们会到那的)
攻击: Here we go. (我们来了)
Weapons. (武器攻击)
Thats another. (又一个)
Right there. (那边)
出场: Need a little hit and run? (要来点游击战吗)
选择: Its your call.
Im right here. (我在这)
Motocycle looking good. (摩托看上去不错)
Lets get rolling. (出发吧)
What do you need? (你要干嘛)
En,how is going? (恩,怎么样了)
移动: Lets go.
Ill check it out. (去看看)
You got it.
I dont mind.
No problem.
攻击: They want some,too? (你也想来一点?)PS:燃烧瓶
Meet my friend,moto.
That one?You got it. (那个?接着)
Its sending a little help. (这个会带来一点帮助的)PS:迫击炮
Theyll be gone. (他们会跑的)
出场: Desolation hour. (毁灭时刻)
选择: Desolater. (化学步兵)
Share~ the suffering. (共享痛苦吧)
What are you looking at? (你在看嘛玩意)
移动: All right.
Im going.
Nothing will grow there. (那边将万物不生)
I know. (吾晓得)
Ill make clear. (我会清理干净的)
攻击: Maybe a little nesy..
You want one,too? (你也想来点吗)
Here,catch. (接着)
Desolation for all. (毁灭所有)
Enjoy. (享受吧)
Take your medicine. (该吃药了)PS:变态医生
The first one is free (第一次是免费的)
出场:Our preparation are completed. (我们准备好了)
选择:We will settle this. (我们会处理好这个的)
We must be proved. (我们必须得证明)
Under control. (控制中)
Well put them to rest. (我们会灭了他们的)
Nothing to worried. (没什么可担心的)
Well put end of this. (我们会结束这一切的)
Well comply. (遵命)
Pacifier. (平定着)
移动:Understood. (明白)
Comply. (遵命)
We position. (收到位置)
To the next. (到下一处)
As plan. (按计划行事)
Proceed. (前进)
We move. (移动)
Well find them. (会找到他们的)
Now. (今は!)
Theyre right there. (他们就在那)
Suffer their will. (破灭他们的希望)
Eliminate them. (销毁他们)
Lets make ourselt clear. (让我们清净些)
Pacify them. (平定他们)
Again. (再一次)
They had their chance. (他们有机会的)PS:是指逃跑吗
Put them down. (放到他们)
Attack. (攻击)
Erase them. (消除他们)
出场: Future Tank operation now. (未来坦克准备完毕)
选择: Hello.
Weapons on. (武器上膛)
Future Tank X1. (未来坦克X1)
I am ready. (准备完毕)
Greetings. (问候语)
Systems on line. (系统已连接)
Ready for battle. (准备战斗)
移动:Comply. (遵命)
Moving. (移动)
Affmitive. (收到)
Destination set. (目的地已设置)
Receving. (收到)
攻击: Attack. (攻击)
Terminate. (终结)
Receving. (收到)
Destory. (毁灭)
Kill. (杀)
出场:Gunships all checked out. (炮艇舰准备完毕)
选择:Wants get the bad news? (想带来点坏消息吗)
You are already back there.
Get something info for me? (给我带来点消息了吗)
Yeah,right here.
Whats there,commandor? (怎么了,指挥官)
移动:Yeah,anywhere is good. (哪边都可以)
Yeah,were head over.
Wherever you like. (你想去哪都行)
Lets go.
攻击:Sweap the trash. (扫平那些废物)
Take the slider. (尝尝小型质子炮吧)
Were looking here.
出场:Welcome to the Ice Age. (欢迎来到冰河时代)
选择:Its snow time. (现在是冰冻时间)
Whos ready for a cold run? (谁准备好了接受了寒流?)
Lets kick some ice.
Feeling chilly in the air?
... anyone.
... like the winter time.
移动:The iceman comming. (雪人来了)
I am cold and blizzard.
I hear you.
All right.
No problem.
Oh ,yes.
Crystal clean. (晶莹剔透)
The waters getting chilly.
攻击:This will crack him up.(技能)
Allow me to break the ice. (破冰咯)PS:踩碎冻成冰块的敌军