2023-06-15 02:05:23
在魔法门之英雄无敌五的世界里有很多不同的特殊周/星期 (week)每一个周都有不同的特殊效果,这些效果会给游戏带来很影响。 其实在游戏里可以直接察看每个周的效果, 只要将鼠标停在沙漏上就可以。 大家可以试试。 特殊周列表: Week of Abjuration: Skill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 光明之周:战斗中,所有光明魔法的等级变为最高级。 Week of Air: Air spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Air Elementals increases by 50%. 空气之周: 战斗中,所有空气魔法伤害增加50%。 所有空气元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Alchemy: Double income of Mercury and Sulfur from mines. 链金之周: 所有水银矿与硫磺矿产量加倍。 Week of Alteration: Skill level of all Dark Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 变化之周:战斗中,所有黑暗魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Angel: Double growth for Angels and Archangels. 天使周:天使与大天使产量加倍。 Week of Antilope: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Archer: Double growth for Archers and Marksmen. 射手周:弓箭手与弩手(人类)产量加倍。 Week of Assassin: Double growth for Scouts and Assassins. 刺客周:侦察兵与刺客产量加倍。 Week of Badger: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Balance: Morale and luck negated during battles. 平衡之周:士气与运气在战斗中被忽略。 Week of Bear: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Bee: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Beetle: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Bonedragon: Double growth for Bone Dragons and Shadow Dragons. 骨龙周:骨龙与影龙产量加倍。 Week of Butterfly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Calm: Initiative of all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and
Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles. 平静之周: 所有死灵,恶魔,与地下城生物的主动下降20%。 Week of Caterpillar: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Cavalier: Double growth for Cavaliers and Paladins. 骑兵周:骑士与圣骑产量加倍。(人类) Week of Chaos: Spell damage increased by 50% during battles. 混乱之周:战斗中,所有法术伤害增加50%。 Week of Colossus: Double growth for Colossuses and Titans. 巨人周:巨人与泰坦产量加倍。 Week of Conjunction: Triple growth for all creatures. Triple income of all resources from mines and towns. 连接之周:所有生物产量乘3, 所有城镇与矿产量乘3。 Week of Conjuration: Skill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 召唤周:战斗中,所有召唤魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Cuckoo: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Deer: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Demon: Double growth for Demons and Horned Demons. 恶魔族周:魔和角魔督军的产量加倍。 Week of Devil: Double growth for Devils and Archdevils. 恶魔周: 恶魔与大恶魔产量加倍。 Week of Diplomacy: All neutral creatures that usually join for money will join for free. 外交周:以前所有要付钱才会加入的中立生物本周免费加入。 Week of Disease: Two thirds of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum
remaining is one). Only one third of growth for all creatures. 疾病周:2/3在居所内的生物会死(亻最少剩一只)。本周所有生物产量只有1/3。 Week of Djinn: Double growth for Djinns and Djinn Sultans. 神灯周:神灯产量加倍。 Week of Dragon: Double growth for Deep Dragons and Black Dragons. 黑龙周:深渊龙与黑龙产量加倍。 Week of Dragonfly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Druid: Double growth for Druids and Druid Elders. 德鲁伊周:德鲁伊与德鲁伊长老产量加倍。 Week of Eagle: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Earth: Earth spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Earth Elementals increases by 50%. 大地周:战斗中,所有土地魔法伤害增加50%。 所有土地元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Ether: Spell cost doubled. 以太周:所有法术会消耗2倍魔力。 Week of Evocation: Skill level of all Destructive Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 毁灭周:所有毁灭魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Falcon: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Feebleness: Defense of all creatures from Haven, Sylvan and Academy factions reduced by 20% during battles. 虚弱之周:圣堂,精灵城,与学院的所有生物防御力下降20%。 Week of Festivals: No resource income from towns and mines. 庆祝周:没有资源收入。 (金钱除外) Week of Fever: Half of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum remaining is one). Only half of growth for all creatures. 发烧周:一半的居住生物死掉。所有生物产量减半。 Week of Fire: Fire spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Fire Elementals increases by 50%. 火之周:战斗中,所有火魔法伤害增加50%。 所有火元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Fire’n’Ice: Fire and ice spells deal double damage during battles. 冰火之周: 战斗中,火魔法与冰魔法伤害加倍。 Week of Firefly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Flame: Movement of all heroes increased by 50%. 火焰周:所有英雄以动力加50%。 Week of Flamingo: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Folly: Experience gained from battles halved. 愚蠢周:战斗经验减半。 Week of Footman: Double growth for Footmen and Swordsmen. 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。 Week of Forgery: Cost of creature upgrade halved. 锻造周:生物升级费用减半。 Week of Fox: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Gargoyle: Double growth for Gargoyles and Obsidian Gargoyles. 石像鬼周:石像鬼产量加倍。 Week of Goat: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Gold: Double Gold income from mines and towns. 黄金周:城镇与矿的黄金产量加倍。 Week of Golem: Double growth for Iron Golems and Steel Golems. 石人周:铁人战士产量加倍。 Week of Green Dragon: Double growth for Green Dragons. 绿龙周:绿龙产量加倍。 Week of Gremlin: Double growth for Gremlins and Master Gremlins. 地精周:地精产量加倍。 Week of Griffin: Double growth for Griffins and Imperial Griffin. 狮鹫周:狮鹫产量加倍。 Week of Groundhog: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Hamster: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Harvest: Double Wood and Ore income from mines. 丰收周:木材与石头产量加倍。 Week of Hedgehog: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Hellhound: Double growth for Hell Hounds and Cerberi. 地域犬周:地域犬产量加倍。 Week of Honor: Experience gained from battles doubled. 荣誉周:战斗经验加倍。 Week of Hope: During battles morale and luck for all creatures increased by 1. 希望周:战斗中, 所有生物士气与运气加1。 Week of Hydra: Double growth for Hydras and Chaos Hydras. 九头蛇周:九头蛇产量加倍。 Week of Hyena: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Idleness: Initiative for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan and Academy factions reduced by 20% during battles. 发呆周:圣堂,精灵,学院生物主动减20%。 Week of Imp: Double growth for Imps and Familiars. 小鬼周:小鬼产量加倍。 Week of Infirmity: Defense for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles. 虚弱周:死灵,恶魔,与地下城生物防御下降20%。 Week of Jewels: Double Gem and Crystal income from mines. 珠宝周:宝石与水晶产量加倍。 Week of Lich: Double growth for Liches and Archliches. 巫妖周:巫妖产量加倍。 Week of Life: Double growth for all creatures. 生命周:所有生物产量加倍。 Week of Light: Luck and morale for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 2 during battles. 光之周:所有死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的士气与运气减2。 Week of Lion: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Lynx: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Magic: Spell cost halved during battles. 魔法周:所有魔法费魔减半。 Week of Magi: Double growth for Mages and Archmages. 法师周:法师产量加倍。 Week of Matron: Double growth for Matrons and Matriarchs. 女王周:女王产量加倍。 Week of Meditation: Mana regeneration rate doubled. 冥想周:魔力恢复加倍。 Week of Might: Non-magic damage increased by 50% during battles. 力量之周:非魔法伤害伤害加50%。 Week of Might’n’Magic: Non-magic damage increased by 50% and spell cost halved during battles 力量与魔法周:物理伤害增加50%, 魔法费魔减半。 Week of Minotaur: Double growth for Minotaurs and Minotaur Guards. 牛头怪之周:牛头怪产量加倍。 Week of Nightmare: Double growth for Nightmares and Frightful Nightmares. 梦魔周:梦魔产量加倍。 Week of Owl: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Peasant: Double growth for Peasants and Conscripts. 农名周:农名产量加倍。 Week of Penguin: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Pigeon: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Pit Lord: Double growth for Pit Fiends and Pit Lords. 深渊领主周:深渊领主产量加倍。 Week of Pixie: Double growth for Pixies and Sprites. 小精灵周:小精灵产量加倍。 Week of Plague: Creatures in all dwellings die. No growth for all creatures. 瘟疫周:所有居住生物死亡, 本周无新生物。 Week of Priest: Double growth for Priests and Inquisitors. 牧师周:牧师产量加倍。 Week of Rabbit: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Rat: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Raven: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Rider: Double growth for Rider and Ravager. 地城骑兵周:地城骑兵产量加倍。 Week of Rooster: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Salamander: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Sheep: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Skeleton: Double growth for Skeletons and Skeleton Archers. 骷髅周:骷髅产量加倍。 Week of Sorrow: Morale and luck for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan an Academy factions reduced by 2 during battles. 悲哀周:圣堂,精灵,学院生物士气与运气-2。 Week of Sparrow: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Squirrel: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Stork: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Succubus: Double growth for Succubi and Infernal Succubi. 女妖周:女妖产量加倍。 Week of Swallow: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Swan: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Tiger: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Toad: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Tortoise: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Toughness: Hit points of all creatures increased by 20% during battles. 坚韧周:所有生物hp加20%。 Week of Trade: Prices for artefacts halved. Prices for resource exchange halved. (YES, I know that it’s "artifact", but this is how it’s displayed in the game, so that’s how I will display it here) 交易周:神器价格减半,资源交易费用减半。 Week of Treant: Double growth for Treants and Treant Guardians. 树精周:树精产量加倍。 Week of Unicorn: Double growth for Unicorns and Battle Unicorns. 独角兽周:独角兽产量加倍。 Week of Vampire: Double growth for Vampires and Vampire Lords. 吸血鬼周:吸血鬼产量加倍。 Week of Viper: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Walkingdead: Double growth for Zombies and Plague Zombies. 僵尸周:僵尸产量加倍。 Week of Wasp: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Water: Ice spell damage increased by 50% during battle. Amount of summoned Water Elementals increases by 50%. 水之周:战斗中,所有冰系魔法伤害增加50%。 所有水元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Whale: Double growth for Manes and Ghosts. 鲸之周:鬼魂产量加倍。 Week of Wight: Double growth for Wight and Wraith. 死神周:死神产量加倍。 Week of Winds: Sea movement of all heroes increased by 50%. 风之周: 英雄的海上移动力加50%。 Week of Woodelf: Double growth for Hunters and Master Hunters. 木精灵周:猎人产量加倍。 Week of Wyrm: No special effect. (无特效)
在魔法门之英雄无敌五的世界里有很多不同的特殊周/星期 (week)每一个周都有不同的特殊效果,这些效果会给游戏带来很影响。 其实在游戏里可以直接察看每个周的效果, 只要将鼠标停在沙漏上就可以。 大家可以试试。 特殊周列表: Week of Abjuration: Skill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 光明之周:战斗中,所有光明魔法的等级变为最高级。 Week of Air: Air spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Air Elementals increases by 50%. 空气之周: 战斗中,所有空气魔法伤害增加50%。 所有空气元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Alchemy: Double income of Mercury and Sulfur from mines. 链金之周: 所有水银矿与硫磺矿产量加倍。 Week of Alteration: Skill level of all Dark Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 变化之周:战斗中,所有黑暗魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Angel: Double growth for Angels and Archangels. 天使周:天使与大天使产量加倍。 Week of Antilope: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Archer: Double growth for Archers and Marksmen. 射手周:弓箭手与弩手(人类)产量加倍。 Week of Assassin: Double growth for Scouts and Assassins. 刺客周:侦察兵与刺客产量加倍。 Week of Badger: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Balance: Morale and luck negated during battles. 平衡之周:士气与运气在战斗中被忽略。 Week of Bear: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Bee: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Beetle: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Bonedragon: Double growth for Bone Dragons and Shadow Dragons. 骨龙周:骨龙与影龙产量加倍。 Week of Butterfly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Calm: Initiative of all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and
Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles. 平静之周: 所有死灵,恶魔,与地下城生物的主动下降20%。 Week of Caterpillar: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Cavalier: Double growth for Cavaliers and Paladins. 骑兵周:骑士与圣骑产量加倍。(人类) Week of Chaos: Spell damage increased by 50% during battles. 混乱之周:战斗中,所有法术伤害增加50%。 Week of Colossus: Double growth for Colossuses and Titans. 巨人周:巨人与泰坦产量加倍。 Week of Conjunction: Triple growth for all creatures. Triple income of all resources from mines and towns. 连接之周:所有生物产量乘3, 所有城镇与矿产量乘3。 Week of Conjuration: Skill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 召唤周:战斗中,所有召唤魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Cuckoo: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Deer: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Demon: Double growth for Demons and Horned Demons. 恶魔族周:魔和角魔督军的产量加倍。 Week of Devil: Double growth for Devils and Archdevils. 恶魔周: 恶魔与大恶魔产量加倍。 Week of Diplomacy: All neutral creatures that usually join for money will join for free. 外交周:以前所有要付钱才会加入的中立生物本周免费加入。 Week of Disease: Two thirds of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum
remaining is one). Only one third of growth for all creatures. 疾病周:2/3在居所内的生物会死(亻最少剩一只)。本周所有生物产量只有1/3。 Week of Djinn: Double growth for Djinns and Djinn Sultans. 神灯周:神灯产量加倍。 Week of Dragon: Double growth for Deep Dragons and Black Dragons. 黑龙周:深渊龙与黑龙产量加倍。 Week of Dragonfly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Druid: Double growth for Druids and Druid Elders. 德鲁伊周:德鲁伊与德鲁伊长老产量加倍。 Week of Eagle: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Earth: Earth spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Earth Elementals increases by 50%. 大地周:战斗中,所有土地魔法伤害增加50%。 所有土地元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Ether: Spell cost doubled. 以太周:所有法术会消耗2倍魔力。 Week of Evocation: Skill level of all Destructive Magic spells increased to maximum during battles. 毁灭周:所有毁灭魔法等级变为最高级。 Week of Falcon: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Feebleness: Defense of all creatures from Haven, Sylvan and Academy factions reduced by 20% during battles. 虚弱之周:圣堂,精灵城,与学院的所有生物防御力下降20%。 Week of Festivals: No resource income from towns and mines. 庆祝周:没有资源收入。 (金钱除外) Week of Fever: Half of creatures in all dwellings die (minimum remaining is one). Only half of growth for all creatures. 发烧周:一半的居住生物死掉。所有生物产量减半。 Week of Fire: Fire spell damage increased by 50% during battles. Amount of summoned Fire Elementals increases by 50%. 火之周:战斗中,所有火魔法伤害增加50%。 所有火元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Fire’n’Ice: Fire and ice spells deal double damage during battles. 冰火之周: 战斗中,火魔法与冰魔法伤害加倍。 Week of Firefly: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Flame: Movement of all heroes increased by 50%. 火焰周:所有英雄以动力加50%。 Week of Flamingo: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Folly: Experience gained from battles halved. 愚蠢周:战斗经验减半。 Week of Footman: Double growth for Footmen and Swordsmen. 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。 Week of Forgery: Cost of creature upgrade halved. 锻造周:生物升级费用减半。 Week of Fox: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Gargoyle: Double growth for Gargoyles and Obsidian Gargoyles. 石像鬼周:石像鬼产量加倍。 Week of Goat: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Gold: Double Gold income from mines and towns. 黄金周:城镇与矿的黄金产量加倍。 Week of Golem: Double growth for Iron Golems and Steel Golems. 石人周:铁人战士产量加倍。 Week of Green Dragon: Double growth for Green Dragons. 绿龙周:绿龙产量加倍。 Week of Gremlin: Double growth for Gremlins and Master Gremlins. 地精周:地精产量加倍。 Week of Griffin: Double growth for Griffins and Imperial Griffin. 狮鹫周:狮鹫产量加倍。 Week of Groundhog: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Hamster: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Harvest: Double Wood and Ore income from mines. 丰收周:木材与石头产量加倍。 Week of Hedgehog: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Hellhound: Double growth for Hell Hounds and Cerberi. 地域犬周:地域犬产量加倍。 Week of Honor: Experience gained from battles doubled. 荣誉周:战斗经验加倍。 Week of Hope: During battles morale and luck for all creatures increased by 1. 希望周:战斗中, 所有生物士气与运气加1。 Week of Hydra: Double growth for Hydras and Chaos Hydras. 九头蛇周:九头蛇产量加倍。 Week of Hyena: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Idleness: Initiative for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan and Academy factions reduced by 20% during battles. 发呆周:圣堂,精灵,学院生物主动减20%。 Week of Imp: Double growth for Imps and Familiars. 小鬼周:小鬼产量加倍。 Week of Infirmity: Defense for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 20% during battles. 虚弱周:死灵,恶魔,与地下城生物防御下降20%。 Week of Jewels: Double Gem and Crystal income from mines. 珠宝周:宝石与水晶产量加倍。 Week of Lich: Double growth for Liches and Archliches. 巫妖周:巫妖产量加倍。 Week of Life: Double growth for all creatures. 生命周:所有生物产量加倍。 Week of Light: Luck and morale for all creatures from Necropolis, Inferno and Dungeon factions reduced by 2 during battles. 光之周:所有死灵,恶魔,地下城生物的士气与运气减2。 Week of Lion: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Lynx: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Magic: Spell cost halved during battles. 魔法周:所有魔法费魔减半。 Week of Magi: Double growth for Mages and Archmages. 法师周:法师产量加倍。 Week of Matron: Double growth for Matrons and Matriarchs. 女王周:女王产量加倍。 Week of Meditation: Mana regeneration rate doubled. 冥想周:魔力恢复加倍。 Week of Might: Non-magic damage increased by 50% during battles. 力量之周:非魔法伤害伤害加50%。 Week of Might’n’Magic: Non-magic damage increased by 50% and spell cost halved during battles 力量与魔法周:物理伤害增加50%, 魔法费魔减半。 Week of Minotaur: Double growth for Minotaurs and Minotaur Guards. 牛头怪之周:牛头怪产量加倍。 Week of Nightmare: Double growth for Nightmares and Frightful Nightmares. 梦魔周:梦魔产量加倍。 Week of Owl: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Peasant: Double growth for Peasants and Conscripts. 农名周:农名产量加倍。 Week of Penguin: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Pigeon: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Pit Lord: Double growth for Pit Fiends and Pit Lords. 深渊领主周:深渊领主产量加倍。 Week of Pixie: Double growth for Pixies and Sprites. 小精灵周:小精灵产量加倍。 Week of Plague: Creatures in all dwellings die. No growth for all creatures. 瘟疫周:所有居住生物死亡, 本周无新生物。 Week of Priest: Double growth for Priests and Inquisitors. 牧师周:牧师产量加倍。 Week of Rabbit: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Rat: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Raven: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Rider: Double growth for Rider and Ravager. 地城骑兵周:地城骑兵产量加倍。 Week of Rooster: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Salamander: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Sheep: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Skeleton: Double growth for Skeletons and Skeleton Archers. 骷髅周:骷髅产量加倍。 Week of Sorrow: Morale and luck for all creatures from Haven, Sylvan an Academy factions reduced by 2 during battles. 悲哀周:圣堂,精灵,学院生物士气与运气-2。 Week of Sparrow: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Squirrel: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Stork: No special effect. (无特效)
Week of Succubus: Double growth for Succubi and Infernal Succubi. 女妖周:女妖产量加倍。 Week of Swallow: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Swan: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Tiger: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Toad: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Tortoise: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Toughness: Hit points of all creatures increased by 20% during battles. 坚韧周:所有生物hp加20%。 Week of Trade: Prices for artefacts halved. Prices for resource exchange halved. (YES, I know that it’s "artifact", but this is how it’s displayed in the game, so that’s how I will display it here) 交易周:神器价格减半,资源交易费用减半。 Week of Treant: Double growth for Treants and Treant Guardians. 树精周:树精产量加倍。 Week of Unicorn: Double growth for Unicorns and Battle Unicorns. 独角兽周:独角兽产量加倍。 Week of Vampire: Double growth for Vampires and Vampire Lords. 吸血鬼周:吸血鬼产量加倍。 Week of Viper: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Walkingdead: Double growth for Zombies and Plague Zombies. 僵尸周:僵尸产量加倍。 Week of Wasp: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Water: Ice spell damage increased by 50% during battle. Amount of summoned Water Elementals increases by 50%. 水之周:战斗中,所有冰系魔法伤害增加50%。 所有水元素召唤魔法招出的元素数量增加50%。 Week of Whale: Double growth for Manes and Ghosts. 鲸之周:鬼魂产量加倍。 Week of Wight: Double growth for Wight and Wraith. 死神周:死神产量加倍。 Week of Winds: Sea movement of all heroes increased by 50%. 风之周: 英雄的海上移动力加50%。 Week of Woodelf: Double growth for Hunters and Master Hunters. 木精灵周:猎人产量加倍。 Week of Wyrm: No special effect. (无特效)