2023-06-12 11:06:40
1 - Doctors office - make a choice
2 - Ransacked inn room
3 - Black cove pirate treasure box
4 - Braccuss tomb
5 - N exit from first area (fire zone)
6 - Hiberium prison inside an iron maiden (destroy it)
7 - King Boreus Treasure room
8 - Immaculate trial stone
9 & 10 - Basement of the immaculte church
11 - Totem in the goblem village (destroy it)
12 - Marando one (inside his hidden place, its a shard but works the same)
13 - Knights tomb E of hunters edge
14 - In the statue behind cassandras remains
15 - Source temple behind a mirror
16 - Immaculate trial area (cassandras blood dungeon)