2023-06-12 00:50:13
找到 DmC Devil May Cry\Binaries\Win32目录下的3DMgame.ini 文件。内容编辑为
# Environment Application Id.
AppId = "220440" # Steam Environment
Logon = false # Change the language only if the game uses steam_api/steamclient to decide it.
# Language "english" [Settings] # You might want change this.
PlayerName =GAMERSKY 以上内容覆盖原内容就好,把steam设置为线下就行…… 更多相关资讯请关注:鬼泣5专题
AppId = "220440" # Steam Environment
Logon = false # Change the language only if the game uses steam_api/steamclient to decide it.
# Language "english" [Settings] # You might want change this.
PlayerName =GAMERSKY 以上内容覆盖原内容就好,把steam设置为线下就行…… 更多相关资讯请关注:鬼泣5专题