2023-06-11 22:56:26
关于招牌技能,每个球员最多有5项,但并不是你的球队中最强的人就有5项,也许反而是你队伍中“最弱”的人有5项,这点上非常符合现实,同时也是你保留一个球员在你的板凳上的意义,比方说一些球员虽然属性值很弱,但是他可以在防守或者是突袭方面有很独到的地方,这样你也可以就战术层面而言让队中每个球员都使得其所。 NBA 2K13 introduces a new feature called Signature Skills.
Zach Timmerman, Producer on NBA 2K13, joined us to break down each Signature Skill and answered a few questions.
Dig in to all the juicy information for Signature Skills!
NBA2K13自从有了Signature Skills后,似乎饱受关注,闻者喜忧参半。
NBA2K13的制作人Zach Timmerman将来为大家庖丁解牛同时解疑释惑。一起来尝尝鲜吧! NBA 2K13 SIGNATURE SKILLS Posterizer
Example Players: Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick
A player with this skill will often look to dunk on defenders when attempting a dunk in traffic.
To get this skill to trigger there must be a defender in the vicinity.
To force big-time contact dunks, his stamina must be above 80.
Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.
示范球员:Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick
一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。 Highlight
FilmExample Players: JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul George
When looking to dunk, a player with this skill will look to perform the most spectacular dunk available amongst the dunks in his repertoire.
In order for this skill to fire off, however, he must have a stamina level of 80 or higher.
Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.
示范球员:JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul George
一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。 Finisher
Example Players: Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook
This player is adept at finishing contact layups and dunks at a higher rate than others.
There is a shot penalty that all offensive players receive when they make contact with defenders in the air.
Finishers decrease this shot penalty by 30%.
This skill combined with our existing Draw Foul Tendency lends itself well to creating and-one opportunities.
示范球员:Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook
这项技能结合了现有的制造犯规倾向,很好的为其提供了造+1的机会。 更多相关资讯请关注:nba 2k13专题
关于招牌技能,每个球员最多有5项,但并不是你的球队中最强的人就有5项,也许反而是你队伍中“最弱”的人有5项,这点上非常符合现实,同时也是你保留一个球员在你的板凳上的意义,比方说一些球员虽然属性值很弱,但是他可以在防守或者是突袭方面有很独到的地方,这样你也可以就战术层面而言让队中每个球员都使得其所。 NBA 2K13 introduces a new feature called Signature Skills.
Zach Timmerman, Producer on NBA 2K13, joined us to break down each Signature Skill and answered a few questions.
Dig in to all the juicy information for Signature Skills!
NBA2K13自从有了Signature Skills后,似乎饱受关注,闻者喜忧参半。
NBA2K13的制作人Zach Timmerman将来为大家庖丁解牛同时解疑释惑。一起来尝尝鲜吧! NBA 2K13 SIGNATURE SKILLS Posterizer
Example Players: Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick
A player with this skill will often look to dunk on defenders when attempting a dunk in traffic.
To get this skill to trigger there must be a defender in the vicinity.
To force big-time contact dunks, his stamina must be above 80.
Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.
示范球员:Blake Griffin, Josh Smith, Hakim Warrick
一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。 Highlight
FilmExample Players: JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul George
When looking to dunk, a player with this skill will look to perform the most spectacular dunk available amongst the dunks in his repertoire.
In order for this skill to fire off, however, he must have a stamina level of 80 or higher.
Once the dunk completes, his teammates will be given a temporary energy boost.
示范球员:JaVale McGee, Gerald Green, Paul George
一旦扣篮成功,他的队友会获得暂时性的体能恢复。 Finisher
Example Players: Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook
This player is adept at finishing contact layups and dunks at a higher rate than others.
There is a shot penalty that all offensive players receive when they make contact with defenders in the air.
Finishers decrease this shot penalty by 30%.
This skill combined with our existing Draw Foul Tendency lends itself well to creating and-one opportunities.
示范球员:Rudy Gay, Carmelo Anthony, Russell Westbrook
这项技能结合了现有的制造犯规倾向,很好的为其提供了造+1的机会。 更多相关资讯请关注:nba 2k13专题