2023-06-11 18:02:11
再打player.additem 代码 数量 举例:
player.additem 13940 1
打了以后你会获的龙鳞头盔一粒! 代码: 基本款 龙鳞甲(轻)
0001393e Dragonscale Armor
0001393d Dragonscale Boots
0001393f Dragonscale Gauntlets
00013940 Dragonscale Helmet 龙盾甲(重)
00013966 Dragonplate Armor
00013965 Dragonplate Boots
00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets
00013969 Dragonplate Helmet 附魔款: d7a08 Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Magicka
d7a0b Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Archery
fe2e5 Dragonscale Armor of Renewal
d79bc Dragonscale Armor of Peerless Health
d79f3 Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Sure Grip
d79ea Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Wielding
d79e7 Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Archery
d79b3 Dragonscale Boots of Grounding
d79a9 Dragonscale Boots of the Mammoth
fda06 Dragonscale Boots of Peerless Sneaking 最后附送一把龙刀 f71d0: Dragonbane PS.如果想要调负重可以打 player.modav carryweight 100 建议别调超过600要不然下面会很难看~ 《上古卷轴5》游侠专题站:https://www.ali213.net/zt/esv/ 《上古卷轴5》游侠专区:https://game.ali213.net/forum-414-1.html
再打player.additem 代码 数量 举例:
player.additem 13940 1
打了以后你会获的龙鳞头盔一粒! 代码: 基本款 龙鳞甲(轻)
0001393e Dragonscale Armor
0001393d Dragonscale Boots
0001393f Dragonscale Gauntlets
00013940 Dragonscale Helmet 龙盾甲(重)
00013966 Dragonplate Armor
00013965 Dragonplate Boots
00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets
00013969 Dragonplate Helmet 附魔款: d7a08 Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Magicka
d7a0b Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Archery
fe2e5 Dragonscale Armor of Renewal
d79bc Dragonscale Armor of Peerless Health
d79f3 Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Sure Grip
d79ea Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Wielding
d79e7 Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Archery
d79b3 Dragonscale Boots of Grounding
d79a9 Dragonscale Boots of the Mammoth
fda06 Dragonscale Boots of Peerless Sneaking 最后附送一把龙刀 f71d0: Dragonbane PS.如果想要调负重可以打 player.modav carryweight 100 建议别调超过600要不然下面会很难看~ 《上古卷轴5》游侠专题站:https://www.ali213.net/zt/esv/ 《上古卷轴5》游侠专区:https://game.ali213.net/forum-414-1.html