小时代ma girls攻略 夏娃年代记第三章图文攻略
Hui Ka Yan, or Xu Jiayin, chairman of Evergrande Group. [Photo/IC]
>Xu tops philanthropy list
Xu Jiayin, chairman of Evergrande Group, retained his top position on the 2019 Forbes China Philanthropy List with his total cash donations worth 4.21 billion yuan, followed by Country Garden chairman Yang Guoqiang and family, and Alibaba chairman Jack Ma. 近日,福布斯中国发布了2019年中国慈善榜,恒大集团董事长徐家印以42.1亿元现金捐款总额位居榜首,碧桂园主席杨国强及其家人、阿里巴巴董事长马云紧随其后,分别排名第二和第三。
This is the fourth time Xu has topped the list, after doing so in 2012, 2013 and 2018. 继2012年、2013年和2018年之后,许家印第四次获得慈善榜首。
Yang and family and Ma have respectively donated 1.65 billion yuan and 980 million yuan. 杨国强及其家人和马云分别捐款16.5亿元和9.8亿元。
The list, comprised of 100 entrepreneurs, represented a seven-year high of 19.17 billion yuan in cash donations, up 10.7% from the 17.31 billion yuan of last year. 共有100名企业家上榜,其现金捐款总额达到191.7亿元,比去年的173.1亿元上涨10.7%,是7年来最高的。
In addition, it marks the fourth time the value of cash donations exceeded 10 billion yuan after 2011, 2017 and 2018. 此外,继2011年、2017年、2018年之后,第四次现金捐款总额突破100亿元。
The minimum donation on the list hit a historical high of 18 million yuan, up from last year's 13 million yuan.慈善榜入围捐款门槛达到1800万元,创历史新高,比去年的1300万元有所提高。
Towers rise up into the sky in this view of Beijing's central business district, Aug 15, 2018. [Photo/VCG]
>The richest cities in China
Beijing and Shanghai were crowned as the richest cities in China, according to a report issued Monday by Chinese financial news outlet Yicai. 北京和上海是中国最富有的两个城市。
The list, which measures total deposit balances held by all financial institutions or total capital amount, indicates the performance of economic growth in certain regions or cities.该列表衡量了所有金融机构持有的存款余额或总资本,反映了某些地区或城市的经济增长表现。
Beijing and Shanghai were way ahead of other cities, for the two surpassed 10 trillion yuan in total capital amount. 京沪总资金超过10万亿元,远高于其他城市。
Statistics showed that by the end of 2018, Beijing and Shanghai's deposit balances in renminbi and foreign currencies totaled 15.71 trillion yuan and 12.11 trillion yuan in domestic and foreign financial institutions. 统计数据显示,截至2018年底,本外币存款余额分别为15.71万亿元和12.11万亿元。
Shenzhen took the third spot with 7.26 trillion yuan, followed by Guangzhou with 5.48 trillion yuan, the report said. 报告称,深圳以7.26万亿元的总资金排名第三,随后,广州排名第四,总资金5.48万亿元。
In terms of the growth rate of total capital amount in the past six years, eight cities in China had seen an over 100% growth, namely Shenzhen, Guiyang, Hefei, Changsha, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Xiamen and Wuhan. 就资本总量增长而言,近六年来,深圳、贵阳、合肥、长沙、南京、郑州、厦门、武汉等8个城市增长了100%以上。
Among them, Shenzhen ranked first with a growth rate of 180%, followed by Guiyang (158%) and Hefei (127%). 其中,深圳增长最大,达到180%,其次是贵阳和合肥,分别为158%和127%。
International Monetary Fund (IMF) logo is seen outside its headquarters in Washington, Sept 4, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]
>IMF lowers growth forecast
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has further reduced its global growth outlook. It cited the risks of trade and technology tensions as well as the increasing likelihood of a no-deal Brexit, which it said could dent a global economic rebound. The global economy is forecast to expand 3.2% this year and 3.5% next year, both down 0.1 percentage point from April projections, the IMF said on Tuesday in its quarterly report on the world economic outlook. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)关于全球经济前景的季度报告于23日发布,世界经济增长预期再次下降。预计2019年和2020年世界经济增长率分别为3.2%和3.5%,比今年4月的预测值下降0.1个百分点。预计2019年和2020年世界经济增长率分别为3.2%和3.5%,比今年4月的预测值下降0.1个百分点。IMF指出贸易和技术摩擦,英国"无协议脱欧"风险因素,如可能性增加,可能会阻碍全球经济反弹。
The fund also cut its China forecast by the same amount, predicting that the Chinese economy will grow by 6.2% this year and 6% next year.IMF预计2019年和2020年中国经济计2019年和2020年中国经济增长6.2%和6%,比4月份的预测下降0.1个百分点。
Despite the IMF's lower forecast for China, analysts said policymakers in Beijing will seek to stabilize growth through further opening of certain sectors including the financial industry to improve market liberalization and capital allocation, crucial for the pursuit of high-quality growth.虽然IMF降低了对中国经济增长的预期,但分析人士表示,中国的政策制定者将通过进一步开放金融业等特定行业来稳定增长,促进市场自由化和资本配置,这对追求高质量发展至关重要。
Samantha Cristoforetti [Photo/IC]
>Barbie doll of astronaut
Barbie has transformed a female astronaut into a doll to encourage more girls to explore careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 芭比最近推出了一款以女宇航员为原型的娃娃,鼓励更多女孩探索科学、技术、工程和数学相关的职业。
Designed by the company behind Barbie, Mattel, in collaboration with the European Space Agency, the doll has been created in the likeness of Samantha Cristoforetti, the organization's only active female astronaut. 生产芭比娃娃的公司美泰与欧洲航天局合作设计了这款娃娃,其外观参照了目前欧洲航空局唯一仍在服役的女航天员萨曼莎•克里斯托福雷蒂。
Cristoforetti says she hopes the collaboration with Barbie "will help young girls and boys to dream about their future without limits."克里斯托福雷蒂说,她想和芭比合作"帮助年轻女孩和男孩不受限制地梦想自己的未来。"
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