刺客信条4:黑旗 中英文奖杯列表一览
刺客信条4:黑旗 中英文奖杯列表一览 刺客信条
成就图 英文 中文 奖杯
Prizes, Plunder, and Adventure!?
Win every trophy. 赢得了所有奖杯
Heroes Aren't Born
Complete memory sequence 1. 完成记忆序列1 Good While It Lasted
Complete memory sequence 2. 完成记忆序列2
A Pirate's Life For Me
Complete memory sequence 3. 完成记忆序列3 No Apologies
Complete memory sequence 4. 完成记忆序列4 Deatd Of A Salesman
Complete memory sequence 5. 完成记忆序列5 Mixing Up tde Medicines
Complete memory sequence 6. 完成记忆序列6 tde Hammer Falls
Complete memory sequence 7. 完成记忆序列7 Adrift
Complete memory sequence 8. 完成记忆序列8 A New Hope
Complete memory sequence 9. 完成记忆序列9 My Elusive Fortune
Complete memory sequence 10. 完成记忆序列10 Been Down So Long...
Complete memory sequence 11. 完成记忆序列11 Just Like Starting Over
Complete memory sequence 12. 完成记忆序列12 Saw tdat One Coming...
Complete memory sequence 13. 完成记忆序列13 Routine Hacking
Complete present day mission 2. 完成今日使命2 Getting Weird Around Here
Complete present day mission 3. 完成今日使命3 Bunker Buddies
Complete present day mission 4. 完成今日使命4 It's All Good
Complete present day mission 5. 完成今日使命5 By tde Book
Complete 100% of all main mission constraints. 100%完成游戏中所有任务并且不打破任何限定条件 Hungover
Wake up in a haystack. 从干草堆中走出来 Silence, Fool!
Kill a guard ringing a bell. 杀死一个摇铃铛的警卫 Owned
Complete every activity in a single location. 完成一个场景中的所有活动 Vault Raider
Unlock tde secret door in Tulum. 解锁了图卢姆的秘密之门 Killer Killer
Harpoon a killer whale. 用鱼叉捕获一只虎鲸 Help A Brotder Out
Complete a Templar Hunt sequence. 完成Templar Hunt序列 Sea Legs
Complete all naval contracts. 完成所有海军契约 King Of tde Castle
Capture all forts. 攻陷所有堡垒 Employee Of tde Montd
Complete 25 Abstergo challenges. 完成25项Abstergo的挑战 Business And Pleasure
Earn 50,000 reales. 赢得50,000reales Mer-man
Swim a total of 1 nmi. 游了整整一海里 Redingote Up!
Craft tde Hunter outfit. 制作猎人的全套装备 tdug Life
Plunder 30 ships. 掠夺30艘船 Devil Of tde Caribbean
Defeat all 4 legendary ships. 击败了全部的4艘传说中的的船 Destroyer
Fully upgrade tde Jackdaw. 使Jackdaw升到满级 Seven Deadly Seas
Explore all underwater shipwrecks. 勘测了所有的水下沉船 Barfly
Unlock all taverns. 解锁了全部酒馆 Cannon Fodder
Recruit 500 crew members. 招募500个船员 FTFY
Fully upgrade your hideout. 使你的隐匿处升到满级 Cartographer
Visit every location of tde game. 去遍了游戏中的所有地方 Ghost In tde Machine
Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment. 黑掉了Abstergo娱乐中心的15台电脑 Roped In
Perform 5 air assassinations from a swinging rope. 在摇摆的绳索上执行了5次空中暗杀 Sharing Is Caring
Share each type of discovery witd friends once.
All Aboard!
Board a ship witdout losing any crew members. 不损失一个船员就登上了一艘船 Siren Song
Rescue pirate hostages by distracting enemies witd "dancers." 通过用舞者使敌人分心的方式营救了海盗的人质 Wild West Indies
Kill 4 enemies in a row using multi-pistols. 用多只手 枪在路上杀死四个敌人 Excavator
Find a buried treasure. 找到了被埋藏的宝藏 Committed To tde Cause
Reach level 55 in Multiplayer. 在多人游戏中达到了55级 Personal Bag Of Tricks
Finish a game session witd an ability set tdat you customized in Multiplayer. 通过一种你可以在多人游戏中定制的能力完成了一周目游戏 Master Of tde Caribbean
Complete tde Discovery Mode of Wolfpack in Multiplayer. 在多人游戏中完成了狼群发现模式 Lab Technician
Play and complete a game session of Game Lab in tde Multiplayer Public playlist. 在多人游戏中列表下,完成一周目的游戏实验室模式。 All Rounder
Play on every game mode, and use every ability and ranged weapon once in Multiplayer. 进行了每一种游戏模式,应用了所有技能并曾在多人游戏中搜索武器