



永恒喵 2023-04-21 19:23:12




角色创建 (Character)

负重上限很重要, 所以尽量选择+负重的天赋, 至于背包客, 目前只发现增加了一些负重上限. 但是天赋点可以全选, 并不影响创建角色. 这个游戏可以包套包, 所以空间不是很要紧, 负重更重要.

The upper weight limit is important, so try to choose some perk to expend this limit such as Porters (+24). As for the Backpacker, I found that the weight limit has been increased only by 12. However, you can select all perks, even your perk points becomes a negative number, and it does not affect the creation of characters (I think it is a bug for now). This game can put pack bags inside another pack bag, so the space is not a problem, the weight limit is more important.

近战/枪械/弓弩, 推荐枪械. 不过无论玩什么流派, 首选加伤害的天赋, 因为这些武器是有耐久的, 用坏了得修(还有弹药数量也是个问题), 武器配件也有使用次数限制, 所以更高的攻击意味着省下了修理和造弹药的麻烦.

You can focus on melee/guns/bows, but in my opinion, guns are recommended. However, no matter what style you play, the first choice is perk that can increase the weapon damage, because these weapons are not durable, they need repair frequently (and also limited ammunition), and weapon accessories also damaged when shooting, so higher weapon damage means reducing the work of repairing and crafting ammunition.

属性点上, 精神目前没发现有什么用. 耐力最有用. 进游戏后可以随意洗点. (打开地图, 按EQ切换功能)

As for attribute points, Energy has not been found to be useful so far. Stamina is the most useful. After entering the game, you can reset these points at will. (Press M to open the map, press E or Q to switch functions)


I didn't find any use in reading perks (but it should be useful in future versions).

